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The First Line Revealed


Yes, it's that time again. Time to reveal the First Lines for next year. In case you aren't aware, The First Line Literary Journal accepts shorts stories using the first lines they have determined. In my opinion this is even more fun than a theme issue. The only thing more fun than writing a First Line submission is reading the chosen short stories (OK, actually having my short story selected would be more fun but...).

You can submit the five stories throughout the year before their noted deadlines or you can go crazy and write four linked stories (or five if you also use the last line story). I have never been brave enough to create a linked series of stories. Usually, I can imagine my way into using 2 or 3 first lines but I can never quite complete it. So let's have some fun!

The basics are:

  • you must use the first(or last) line unchanged

  • stories must be between 300 and 5000 words

  • no submission fee

For more details head to their website.

Jayce recognized the man right away but couldn't remember his name.

(deadline February 1)


No one really knows why restoration stopped on the abandoned St. Julian hotel, where commoners and kings once came to relax in luxury. 

(deadline May 1)


Her truck took the sharp turns of the mountain road with ease. 

(deadline August 1)


When anyone in town needed help, they contacted Rocky Germain. 

(deadline November 1)


And don't forget the 2025 last line:


I called back a week later and told them we were good to go. (October 1)

I immediately felt the outlines of a story for the St. Julian first line. I'm musing it over and wondering if I can do a linked series of stories this year. Good luck to you.

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