I'm off to a great start. I decided to invest some time and money into improving my writing through classes and contests which I wrote about HERE. And I just finished my first contest this weekend! I love the Writers Weekly Short Story contest for so many reasons:
They give you a quirky theme (this theme was about a neighborhood snowman contest that goes too far)
They give you a list of tips to improve your chances of winning (they have had their fill of main characters who are writers)
The entire contest is only 24 hours
At first, the idea of writing a short story in 24 hours seemed scary. I had no clue about the theme or the word count. But after I got the theme at noon CST on Saturday I realized, "This is great!" I can think about the theme while I do various household chores, write a first draft this evening, share it with my beta readers (they love everything...I cook their food) and wake up Sunday morning refreshed and ready to make any final tweaks. And there was no chance I would forget about the contest, put it aside to focus on a paying job or procrastinate. There was no time!
There was a fee but it was only $5 and there are many prizes - some cash and some writing publications. Even a publishing package for the Grand Prize winner. The Spring contest is April 5 (a Saturday, of course) and if you want a fun creative writing jumpstart, why not enter? You can learn more HERE.
If you're in the mood for writing contests, the first deadline for the First Line contest is approaching - February 1. No fee to enter this contest. I have mine written but I'm still putzing around with it(see, this is why I need quick turnarounds). This contest provides you with a first line that you have to use word for word. The first first line is: Jayce recognized the man right away but couldn't remember his name. Learn more about how to enter HERE.
You should also get the WOW Women on Writing contests on your calendar. Because I work for WOW(check out my posts on the blog The Muffin), I can't enter but I have read some winning entries and they are amazing. I'd love to see your name in the winners' list. They have four flash fiction and four creative nonfiction essay contests each year. Only a $10 fee and 20 prizes per contest! Deadline for the next fiction contest is February 28 and the essay contest is January 31. Learn more HERE.
If you know of any great contests, feel free to share in the comments.